The Commission Blueprint

As an underground affiliate marketer who has been out of action for weeks since the birth of baby Augustine, I'm happy to see this product being launched. It will most definitely help anyone who is serious about making a real living online and eliminate the need to guess how much wealth one can create within 30 days.

I would say, this is a no-brainer. I know there's much hype about it... The truth is we really can't prevent people from hyping things up and packaging it with all kinds of useless bonuses. After all, these people are merely trying to make a decent living. I hate the hype, it puts people off... especially when it comes from gurus with their overused and gimmicky bonuses... yet, among all the hype online, this one is for real! Well, take it from an underground marketer =)

If you're one of those who are serious about gaining your financial freedom this year, get Your Blueprint HERE.

Friend or Foe...

When you're online, it's not a simple task to determine who your friend or foe is. You'll have people trying to "get fresh" with you for all kinds of reasons... and usually the most prevalent reason is to "empty your bank account"... Well, that's just putting it negatively which most people can relate to =)

The irony of it all is that in real life, things are pretty much the same too!

Just because someone is willing to do a joint venture with you doesn't mean that he or she is your friend. In business, it's just business. If you take things personally, you'll be quite disillusioned. The key is to stay detached.

Sometimes, your friend is someone who will reject your ideas and try to guide you by doing something which you think only a foe would do. You need to look through the razzle dazzle and straight at the intention and motivation behind your friend's actions or words to find the true friendship that sometimes need to hurt you.

Not everyone can be helped in the same way. Some need to be shown a tougher way in order to make it through in life. If you help to break open the cocoon for a moth or butterfly, you're crippling it from flying for life!

Instead of wondering who your friend and foe is, it's better to wonder how good or bad a friend you are to your friends. Then, you'll be able to discern better and not jump to conclusions =) Your perspective in life is bound to change, so let it change for the better, and remember... it always starts from within ourselves.

Hope this post opens up a whole new world for you! Cheers!

Be like a Child...

As we grow up, we learn how to fail. In order to succeed in any area of our lives, we need to become like a child again. Failure is not an option.

Think about this and I wish you success!

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.
- Winston Churchill

Copywriting Basics...

Write these 5 questions down:

1. What is the problem?
2. Why has it not been solved?
3. What are the possibilities?
4. What is different now?
5. What should you do now?

When you are answering these 5 questions, just do it as-a-matter-of-factly. Do not try to be creative. You can get creative later.

1. What is the problem?

Firstly, identify the main problem your target audience faces, in other words, the main problem that your product or service solves. It would help for you to know your audience well in the first place. What are the 3Ps of your audience? Pain ... Problem ... Predicament ...

Do your part. Investigate and Diagnose their Problem first.

It would be a grave mistake to just shove a solution down your audience's throat before getting your audience to acknowledge that there is such a problem in the first place.

They need to know and perceive you as understanding their pain, problem and predicament. So, it is important that you know your audience and what they are facing before embarking on your copywriting.

Write down your target audience's problem in a few sentences. Do not be longwinded about this so that you will have a better focus.

2. Why has it not been solved?

Write down the reason(s) why the problem still continues, persists or lingers. What are the factors preventing a solution? A few factual sentences would do.

3. What are the possibilities?

This is known as possibility thinking. Write down whatever is possible as a solution to your audience's problem. Paint a picture of the way things would be when your audeince's problem has been solved. As usual, a few sentences would do.

4. What is different now?

How will things become for your audience with the solution(s) you have come up with? This is where you introduce yourself and explain how your product or service can help them, and show what is so different about your product or service that will eliminate their problem. This is where your Unique Selling Point/Proposition (USP) comes in. Again, just a few sentences would suffice. Do not rant and rattle on. Write the substance, not the details.

5. What should you do now?

State clearly and explicitly what you want your audience to do. This is your call to action. Simply tell them to respond in some specific way such as opt-in, request a call-back and buy the product or service.

When you are done answering the 5 questions, you will have in your hands the blueprint of your web copy! That would be the meat while the rest is just gravy. With this, you can make sales. This blueprint, consisting of the answers to those 5 simple questions, can be used to create any type of marketing materials... even your elevator speech.


Useful for Marketing Online...

The Authority Black Book is really suitable for bloggers who are seriously considering making a sizeable income online via blogging. It is an easy read and is quite valuable for something that is free =) Besides, there's nothing really black about this black book... LOL!

Bloggers would also love to know how to effectively use social networking from Bob to grow their business significantly. The real key is to find and be yourself... The technical stuff is broken down into digestable units and the lessons are actually easy and enjoyable! Well done, Bob!

Now, whether you're into blogging, socialising... or not... If you're serious about making it big online, then you need to know how to market in a hypnotic manner. To me, this is a MUST HAVE. Regardless of your level of experience, getting Joe Vitale's Hypnotic Marketing 2.0 will most definitely make a marked difference.

Now, there's really no end to learning. It is not how much you learn that will make the difference in any area of your life, but how much of applying what you have learned that will make the difference...

So, get down now to work towards working smart and working less! Cheers!

Who is Our Enemy?

If we're at war, we'll probably think that our enemies are the people we're fighting. If we're doing marketing online, we probably think that our enemies are our competition, and these are the people we'll try our best to outdo...

Now, the real enemy is much closer to home...

I know of people who see the people around as their enemies, and they live bitter lives because everyone's against them if you know what I mean. The truth is, when we stop perceiving others as our enemies, we usually start winning the battles in life. So, who is our real enemy?

Yes. It's ourselves =)

How then can we overcome this difficult enemy? Love, my friend, is the answer.


Success does not seem to come easy for most people due to foundational issues.

When someone is trying very hard to build a foundation, usually the people around him who do not understand the rationale of having a good foundation would find him/her weird, and might even ridicule the person...

Think of which area in your life you'd like to see an improvement in. Check your foundation. If it's weak, work on it. Sounds like common sense? It is.

As you are building your foundation, you will attract many opportunities to test out your foundation. When you are ready, you'll know so, and you'll take the opportunities.

What do you Hate about affiliate marketing online?

I don't... But if you really must know what I dislike about affiliate marketing online, it is the fact the most affiliate products have a short lifespan. If you like to have your blogs updated with the latest and absolutely hate to see obsolete stuff on your blogs, then you might either want to keep your list of products short or outsource this task. In any case, some organising is necessary.

How to be successful in Affiliate Marketing?

Learning the different building blocks in order to make money online is usually quite an uphill task. First of all, you'll need to have a very strong desire and the resilience to succeed... especially if you're not IT inclined and can't stand being in front of the computer screen for hours.

Yes, there's work to be done. There are plenty to learn so that when you finally need to apply your knowledge in some way or other, things will suddenly fall into place. Life's like that.

Affiliate Marketing is not the only way to make money online, but it is one of the most popular ways among the 1 to 2 per cent who actually make money online. Although it's highly profitable, it might or might not suit you. Only you can decide that for yourself.

If you think it's for you, you'll need to consider getting yourself a website you can call your own. You need a domain name and a place to store or host your webpages and all the data like text, images, databases, videos etc. that make them possible. Don't do so and you'll not be taken seriously...

You'll need to know how to use capture or squeeze pages and integrate driving web traffic with sales conversion. Focusing on one without the other can sometimes be quite meaningless... Using autoresponders to follow up with your optin list of people is important. Offering value or discounts or bonuses... are some excellent ways to get people to take action. List building is just as important as everything else...

So, how can anyone be truly successful with so many things to consider and learn and eventually integrate together?

I've been asked very often what I consider as most important for success in affiliate marketing... You must have heard many versions of the same answer by now. Yes, in short, to be able to identify a rabid market and then sell them exactly what they want to buy. However, on hindsight, I think the most important thing in achieving success in affiliate marketing is the ability to use targeted keywords to seek out the target market on the internet using the search engines or the like.

In the real world, targeting blindly may still bring in satisfactory results because it's not as dynamic and fast as the Internet. However, over the Internet, it's really a different ball game. If you snooze you lose... and that's losing a lot faster than in the real world.

Now, one of the most effective ways to do affiliate marketing is to do your marketing offline. However, the same marketing skills apply. You need to be a good copywriter to get the desired results. If you can't do that well, outsource.

Hope this post and other posts on this blog will help you succeed beyond your wildest imaginations =) God bless you!


We are all champions!

We might not be aware of our own potential for a whole list of reasons...
Let's be aware now and live like one!



Marketing online is not easy for everyone.
So, knowing a reliable resource or two does make a difference.

Marketing your affiliate product using the CAC's Ultimate Ad Package
is easy and it will pay well.

We can take other steps like the following (apparently not an exhaustive list)
to improve our earning potential:
* Get our own domain name
* Host our domains
* Learn to use PPC for free and apply it to automate your advertising efforts.
* Advertise offline if that suits you.
* Use the Search Engines themselves to search for already
SEO friendly sites to post our ads for maximum exposure etc.

May You Have a Blessed Life & Abundant Years Ahead!